Shadow, Umbra, and Penumbra
Shadow, Umbra, and Penumbra: Overview
This topic explains concepts such as Point Object in Optics, Extended Object in Optics, Shadows, Formation of Shadows Using Opaque Object, etc.
Important Questions on Shadow, Umbra, and Penumbra

Differentiate between umbra, penumbra and shadow.

A(n)_____ is the part of the shadow where all of the light from the source is blocked by the shadowing object.

A point source of light forms only the umbra region on the screen of a shadowed object.

Among the following an example for extended source of light is

Following are the examples for point sources of light.

What is the nature of an image formed by a plane mirror when an extended object of height h is placed in front of the mirror?

The given below diagram shows the formation of image of point object due to reflection at a plane mirror, Here _____.

In the diagram given below, the image formed is

The image formed in the diagram given below is

A point object can be considered as the source of light.

Extended objects can be considered as the group of point objects in a ray diagram.

Differentiate between shadow, penumbra and umbra.

Penumbra is the inner part of the shadow.

The shadow of an object is always _____.

The area where the penumbra falls experiences a _____ eclipse.

Which is the darkest portion of the shadow?